Episode 23 - Who brought the mood down?

Rho has been incapacitated and tensions are high on the Ursa Major. After a hasty retreat, Marty finds a solution for Rho’s condition through a less than kind colleague.

** Transcript **

or find the transcript at: https://oneuppodcasts.squarespace.com/btfs-transcripts/2023/6/1/episode-23-who-brought-the-mood-down

Avery/GM: Thank you for listening to our show.

Beyond the Furthest Stars is a 1up Podcast Network Production. Intro and Outro music produced by Dustin Carpenter

Background music provided by TabletopAudio.com and used under an attribution, non-commercial license from creative commons. The track used today was Star Freighter

This year, our show was honored as a selectee for the Rainbow Roll Fest, a 3 day festival during pride month to celebrate LGBTQIA+ led Actual Play Podcasts and Streams. Be sure to check out the entire Rainbow Roll Fest June 23rd through 26th at twitch.tv/rainbowrollfest.

We'll be back on June 15th with our Next Episode

See you out there, Beyond the Furthest Stars!

Episode 22 - Rho's Wrath, Polaris' Perplexity

Polaris has realized some truths about his guardians and Rho has also learned this truth. Can the party stop the rampaging psychic before the Ursa Major is torn apart around them?

** Transcript **

Thank you for listening to our show.

Intro and Outro music produced by Dustin Carpenter

Background music provided by TabletopAudio.com and used under an attribution, non-commercial license from creative commons.

We’ll be back on June 1st with our next episode.

See you out there, beyond the furthest stars!

Episode 21 - Family Secrets

Zahn interrogates Rho, Polaris seeks answers, and everyone is acting weird. What secrets lie at the heart of this puzzle?

** Transcript **

Thank you for listening to our show.

Intro and Outro music produced by Dustin Carpenter

Background music provided by TabletopAudio.com and used under an attribution, non-commercial license from creative commons.

We’ll be back on May 15th with our next episode.

See you out there, beyond the furthest stars!

Episode 20 - Rho, Rest, Repairs and Reading

The party has come to terms with Bruce’s absence in a way, distracting themselves with work and research. Rho and Marty have a chat, the party fixes the Cassiopeia, and all seems fine. But a dark secret threatens to tear Polaris’s family unit apart.

** Transcript **

Thank you for listening to our show.

Intro and Outro music produced by Dustin Carpenter

Background music provided by TabletopAudio.com and used under an attribution, non-commercial license from creative commons.

We’ll be back on May 1st with our next episode.

See you out there, beyond the furthest stars!

Episode 19 - We're gonna get him back, right?

The party learns of Bruce’s departure and gets a special message from the most unlikely of appliances.

Thank you for listening to our show. Beyond the Furthest Stars is a 1up Podcast Network production. Intro and Outro music produced by Dustin Carpenter. Background music provided by tabletopaudio.com and used under an attribution, non-commercial license from creative commons. The track used today was “Starship: Bridge”. Be sure to follow us on twitter and tumblr @FurthestPod. We’ll be back on April 15th with our next episode.

 ** Transcript **

See you out there, Beyond the Furthest Stars!

Episode 18 - Repairs and Departures

Having defeated the turrets and made the Cassiopeia somewhat safe, the party now tries to find a way to restore power and figure out what has happened. Marty attempts to communicate with the mysterious psychic being that is in a cryo pod. Bruce gets a strange transmission and must act quickly to save his friends.

** Transcript **

Thank you for listening to our show. Beyond the Furthest Stars is a 1up Podcast Network Production. Background music created by Dustin Carpenter. Background music provided by tabletopaudio.com and used under an attribution, non-commercial license from creative commons. Tracks used include Starforged - Vault, Deep Space EVA, and Covert Ops.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Tumblr @FurthestPod

We’ll be back on April 1st with our next episode!

See you out there, Beyond the Furthest Stars!

Episode 17 - Ship Exploration and Crew Injuries

Our party has engaged in combat with the ships automated defenses. Meanwhile Marty and Zahn attempt to get the ship's engines back online. Will they be able to prevent certain death for one of their crew? Find out in this exciting episode!


Thank you for listening to our show. Beyond the Furthest Stars is a 1Up Podcast Network production intro and outro by Dustin Carpenter. Background music provided by tabletop audio.com and used under an attribution non-commercial license from creative comments tracks include Star Forged Frey, and Star Forged Fault.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter,

and Tumblr at Furthest Pod. We'll be back on March 15th with our next episode.

Thank you so much for listening.

Episode 16 - Strange Discoveries

Our party has escaped from Bragos just out of the clutches of Violet Winston. A strange request comes from the Custodians and our players find themselves in a ship graveyard, with a ship that is, quite literally, out of this galaxy. What strange discoveries await our players as they delve in? Find out in this exciting episode!


Thank you for listening to our show. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Tumblr @FurthestPod

Episode 15 - Cross the Finish Line!

Our party pulls out all the stops to over come the Assembles Singles shuttle. But will it be enough to win the race and the prize money? Has Bruce avoided being found out by Violet Winston? How will Ollie get back to his friends? Find out all this and more in today's exciting episode!


Thank you for listening to our show. Beyond the Furthest Stars is a 1up Podcast Network Production. Background Music provided by tabletopaudio.com and used under an attribution, non-commercial license from creative commons. Tracks include: Car Chase and Starbase Omega. Additional Audio Track provided by Savage Pro Audio. Be sure to check us out @FurthestPod on twitter and tumblr. We'll be back on February 15th with our next episode! See you out there, Beyond the Furthest Stars!

Episode 14 - The Race is On!

The Crew of the TSKAM is starting off the race well, but more obstacles await them. Can they keep up the clever moves and avoid total destruction? Or will Assembles Singles unleash their secret weapon?

Can Bruce thwart the machinations of Violet Winston in hunting down the TSKAM and finding those responsible for Lord Winston’s death?

Find out in this exciting episode of Beyond the Furthest Stars!

**Episode Transcript**

Find a copy of Avery’s new game, Become Death, on Itch.Io today!

Thank you for listening to our show. Beyond the Furthest Stars is a 1up Podcast Network production. Find more of our shows at 1upPodcasts.com. And be sure to follow us on Twitter and Tumblr @FurthestPod. Intro and outro Music by Dustin Carpenter. 

Background music provided by tabletopaudio.com and used under an attribution non-commercial license from Creative Commons. Tracks include Car Chase, Orbital Promenade, orbital platform, and Star Base Omega. 

We'll be back on February 1st with our next episode. See you out there Beyond the Furthest Stars!

Episode 13 - Let the Race Begin!

Its time for the Pendulum of Doom Race! Through the subterfuge of Bruce, our team may have an upper hand in this race today! But there are still many deadly dangers facing them as they battle against three other racing teams! Will our heroes make it past the first obstacle? We’ll find out today!

** Transcript **

Thank you for listening to our show. Beyond the Furthest Stars is a 1up Podcast Network Production. Intro and Outro produced by Dustin Carpenter. Background music provided by TabletopAudio.com and used under an attribution, non-commercial license from creative commons. Tracks include: Cyberpunk Bar, Cyberpunk City, Car Chase, Starbase Omega, and Orbital promenade.

Be sure to check us out @FurthestPod on Twitter and Tumblr. We’ll be back on the 15th with our next episode!

See you out there, Beyond the Furthest Stars!

Episode 12 - Seeking a Sponsor

Welcome to episode 12 of Beyond the Furthest Stars!

In this episode we follow Marty and Bruce as they seek out a sponsor from some of the NPCs they have met during their visit in Bragos. Will they go with the slightly off Professor Infinity? Perhaps the Polycule of the Lucky tentacle? Or will Big Fred gain their loyalty? Find out today in this silly and fun precursor to the racing episodes!


Thank you for listening to our show. Beyond the Furthest Stars is a 1up Podcast Network production. Be sure to follow us on twitter @FurthestPod. Intro and Outro music produced by Dustin Carpenter of Wisteria Lodge.

Background music provided by TabletopAudio.com and used under an attribution, non-commercial license from Creative Commons. Tracks used include Cyberpunk City, Cyberpunk Bar, and Orbital Promenade.

We’ll be back on January 1st with our next episode.

See you out there, Beyond the Furthest Stars!

Episode 11 - High Stakes, High Rewards!

The party prepares for the upcoming Death Race. Ollie makes some gambles, Bruce tries some subterfuge, Zahn makes a deal, and Polaris and Marty seek a sponsor! So many exciting things happen as we build up to the blood pumping excitement of the Pendulum of Doom Death Races!


Trigger Warning: This episode contains situations involving gambling at the 16:00 mark through the 35:00 mark.

Thank you for listening to our show!

Beyond the Furthest Stars is a 1up Podcast Network Production

Intro and Outro music produced by Dustin Carpenter

Background Music provided by TabletopAudio.com and used under an attribution, non-commercial license from creative commons. Tracks used include: Cyberpunk bar, cyberpunk city, and orbital promenade.

be sure to check us out @furthest Pod on Twitter and Tumblr

We'll be back on December 15th with our next episode.

See you out there, Beyond the Furthest Stars!

Episode 10 - Shopping Time!

Quick Trigger warning: This episode does contain discussions of drugs, alcohol and gambling. time stamps are recorded in the description of this episode so that you can skip these sections. This episode is mostly a shopping episode, but there are plenty of funny and fun moments in between. Alright, let's get to the show!

Discussion of drug/alcohol at 00:43:00 through 00:45:55

Discussion of gambling at 01:10:22 through 0:10:30, 01:12:55 through 01:14:40, and 01:24:02 through 01:28:00

Thank you for listening to our show. Beyond the Furthest Stars is a 1up Podcast Network Production.

Intro and Outro Music produced by Dustin Carpenter

Background music provided by TabletopAudio.com and used under a creative commons license. Tracks include: Star Freighter, Orbital Promenade, Cyberpunk City, and Cyberpunk Bar.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter


We'll be back on December 1st with our next episode.

See you out there, Beyond the Furthest Stars!

Episode 9 - Visions, Memories, and Destinations

The Pirates have been thwarted with cake and hugs. Now the crew has a bit of a lull and the Custodians make a request of Polaris’ new friends. This triggers some old memories for the crew. Meanwhile, Ollie helps Alioth with an experiment and sees something disturbing. But what does this vision mean?


Thank you for listening to our show. Beyond the Furthest Stars is a 1up Podcast Network Production. Find more of our shows at 1upPodcasts.com

Intro and Outro music by Dustin Carpenter

Background music provided by Tabletopaudio.com and used under a creative commons license. Tracks include: Star Freighter, Nephilim Labs, Generation Ship, Busy Space Port, Orbital Platform, and Mega City Slums

Additional background music track Hydra by Huma Huma and used under license purchased through SavagePro Audio. Music: Hydra - Huma Huma https://youtu.be/1G-VXBcf4Pg

We'll be back in 2 weeks with our next episode.

See you out there, Beyond the Furthest Stars!

Interlude - Halloween Special

Zahn is working on changing the engine transponder when he notices that the ship is really quiet without Hermes aboard. So he decides to listen to something spooky while he works. What ensues is a tale of true terror!


Thank you to Bee for GMing this wonderful Halloween Special and showing us a game of their own design.

Thanks to Brianna Jean for being a guest on this episode. Be sure to check out her work at PseudonymSocial.com

Intro and Outro music by Dustin Carpenter. Find his latest album on Bandcamp: https://vvisterialodge.bandcamp.com/album/wisteria-lodge

Background music provided by TabletopAudio.com and used under a Creative Commons license.

Follow us on twitter: @FurthestPod

Our next episode will release on November 1st, 2022!

See you out there, Beyond the Furthest Stars!

Episode 8 - Cake Diplomacy

The Crimson Chaos Pirates have tracked down the ship formerly belonging to Captain Byram. Will the crew, after having visited Polaris' home end up destroying that new home or will they repel the pirate invasion with sweet cakes from Bruce and sweet words from Marty? Find out in this exciting episode!

Intro and Outro music by Dustin Carpenter. Find his latest album on Bandcamp: https://vvisterialodge.bandcamp.com/album/wisteria-lodge

Background music provided by TabletopAudio.com and used under a Creative Commons license.

Follow us on twitter: @FurthestPod


We'll be releasing a special Extra Long Halloween episode on October 22nd GMed by our fabulous cast member Bee, who plays Polaris! Look for that on October 22nd.

See you out there, Beyond the Furthest Stars!