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Episode 105: The Death of Alexander The Great

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The world has known few conquerors like Alexander the Great. In just a few short years after rising to power, he had laid claim to much of the known world, known to him and his people that is. Alexander marched his armies across Greece, Persia, and even into India. But for all of the glorious and bloody military triumphs Alexander had led, he was still, like so many other leaders, defeated by the mortality of his own body.


Sit Back... Relax... And let me tell you a story... While Rome Burns.

Thank you for listening to our show. While Rome Burns is part of the 1up Podcast Network. Find more of our shows, including the Award Nominated DnD Podcast Are We Dead Yet? by going to 1upPodcasts.com.

Cover Art by Igor Nunes. You can contact him for commissions on twitter @Whyccan. Find more of his art by going to Whyccan.Artstation.com


Background music provided by Monplaisir under a Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. Find Them on twitter @MonplaisirMusic or at FreeMusicArchive.org/music/Monplaisir

**Episode Transcript**