Episode 44 - Friends, Family, and Enemies

Avery/GM: Welcome to episode 44 of Beyond the Furthest Stars.

(intro music plays, fades out, ambience fades in)

Jenine/Marty: Marty does send like a direct message to Polaris and goes, So, I might've sent an email to the custodians to try and find you. They're on their way. I don't know if we want to run. Just want to let you know. I miss you! Uwu Smiley face.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris puts dot dot dot in chat. They're not going to hurt us.

Jenine/Marty: They did and then I send a screenshot of the email they sent back, that Bear sent back, which is, we will, I think it's, we're coming back for Polaris. What did they say?

Avery/GM: Bear said something along the lines of, and I'll probably just copy and paste the exact thing in here. But along the lines of, we'll make sure Polaris is safe and then we'll bring him back home.

Bee/Polaris: Fuck. Okay. Is that, is that actually what it just says?

Avery/GM: Basically, essentially,

Jenine/Marty: yeah.

Avery/GM: We'll meet you there. Thanks for the coordinates. You know, we're

Bee/Polaris: We're taking our son?

Avery/GM: Yeah, basically.

Bee/Polaris: Playtime's over.

Avery/GM: Playtime's over, yeah.

Chris/Ollie: Don't ever talk to me or my son again.

Avery/GM: Marty's, Marty's message I believe said something along the lines of Polaris is in danger can you help?

I think was the

Jenine/Marty: Yeah, that was what it said. That, yes, that is exactly what it said.

Bee/Polaris: Ugh, ah, ugh. Polaris will like, angry face emote and then, and then he'll send Bear an email, or I guess a text message, if, if that is possible, I guess an email.

Avery/GM: Yeah, you could get one out.

Bee/Polaris: And he'll just say, I am safe, do not go.

Come and take me away. This is very important. I'm fixing your mess.

Avery/GM: You don't get a response back yet, so it might just take some time. In the meantime, Zahn, you were going over to the computer next?

Zach/Zahn: Yerp.

Avery/GM: Okay. The robot had it open when Polaris took it out. So there's no security on this thing. Right now.

Zach/Zahn: Yay.

Avery/GM: There is a deactivate laser grid. There is a activate ray shield. There is activate other robots, but there's no robots in the charging stations right now. So sad day for them. There's also a recall there button where you could recall the robots back to their charging stations, put them to sleep.

Zach/Zahn: Is there a dossier on prisoners, like why they're incarcerated.

Avery/GM: Yes, there is.

Zach/Zahn: I'd like to pull that up before just

Chris/Ollie: Just open it up. We don't want to, like, let Space Jeffrey Dahmer out.

Avery/GM: So, in this cell, the prisoner's name is listed as Jasper. He is listed as a scholar, and listed as the ship's cultural expert. You have this cell, prisoner listed just as deceased.

Bee/Polaris: What?! This is just a dead body?!

Avery/GM: Yeah, it's a body.

Zach/Zahn: He's just, he's just dead.

Bee/Polaris: Why did they lock up the dead body?

Chris/Ollie: Prisoner identification body.

Avery/GM: No, it's more of a, that's where they expired and they haven't bothered to move them yet.

Bee/Polaris: Oh my gosh.

Avery/GM: They're robots. They can't smell.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, that's fair. Oh No.

Avery/GM: This one is cell three listed as Nolari and she is actually listed as a stowaway. And then this fourth one here is Zeno, a half snake, half human, hired as an engineer and was responsible for maintaining the ship's information core and artificial intelligence systems.

Also lists last fed three weeks ago.

Zach/Zahn: Well, I guess we could, if they're like an actual snake and just swallow things, we could feed them the dead guy.

Bee/Polaris: No. Oh my, that's so degrading. We could just give them a bento.

Avery/GM: Yeah, Bruce made bentos.

Bee/Polaris: That's so mean! Give them the rotting body instead of the good food we have?

Zach/Zahn: You don't know what their tastes are.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, well let's ask.

Zach/Zahn: Yeah, let's do that.

Bee/Polaris: Does Zahn like tell us about these dossiers?

Zach/Zahn: I upload like screenshots of each dossier to the chat. Cause I think it would be harder to just like upload the actual thing direct helmet screen share! in chat

Bee/Polaris: Polaris is gonna go to, gonna go to one cell.

Zach/Zahn: And then I'm gonna deactivate them.

Bee/Polaris: Wha Oh, you're deactivating it right now?

Zach/Zahn: I wasn't given any info as to why not.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris is, Polaris was gonna go talk to him. Cause you, wait, you said that we should talk to them before we let him out.

Zach/Zahn: Well, I was expecting there to be like, reason for incarceration. One's just a stowaway, so that'll, that's not bad.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, well.

Zach/Zahn: What did Snake do? Half snake person and cultural expert do.

Avery/GM: It doesn't list. It doesn't say. You might have to find out.

Zach/Zahn: Then, I'm gonna post in chat, figure out why they're bad.

Bee/Polaris: Doing that now.

Zach/Zahn: Thumbs up.

Bee/Polaris: Oh, also Polaris puts in chat, the custodians are on their way to take me home, but I sent an email telling them not to. Let's see how that goes. And then

Avery/GM: Does anyone want to invite the pirates while we're here?

Jenine/Marty: Oh my gosh, Marty would love to!

Zach/Zahn: We should so they can take this ship because we have the Cassiopeia and it's going to be really hard to pilot both.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, but this one has a prison.

Zach/Zahn: We can put a prison on the Cassiopeia.

Chris/Ollie: No, park the Cassiopeia

in this.

Bee/Polaris: But this one's already here. I think they're the same size.

Chris/Ollie: Oh yeah, if they're the same size then no.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris is going to Snake Lady's cell

Avery/GM: sure. You come up to the cell, the, the laser grid is glowing here.

And what do you, what do you say to this person?

Bee/Polaris: Well, he knocks on the side of like the wall to like, see if they, cause the lights are out. Like

Avery/GM: you hear, you hear the soft movement of a scaled slithering body across the floor and suddenly this figure pops up right next to the, to the laser grid and just says.

I was wondering what all that commotion was. Are you here to free us?

Bee/Polaris: We're new management.

Avery/GM: Are you with the hegemony?

Bee/Polaris: Fuck no.

Avery/GM: Oh, very new management, then. Thank you. Yes, please. I am so hungry.

Bee/Polaris: Plaris takes out his bento and slides it over to her. We need to chat first.

Avery/GM: Yeah, sure. She picks up this bento that you slide through like a gap in the lasers.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah.

Avery/GM: And

Zach/Zahn: also your bouillon.

Bee/Polaris: I'm not giving her the bouillon cube.

Chris/Ollie: Unless She Asks.

Bee/Polaris: Unless she asks.. Or the hand.

Chris/Ollie: Oh you've got the hand too?

Bee/Polaris: Oh yeah, Polaris has a severed hand. Yeah, I still have the hand.

Avery/GM: Yeah, she starts eating it cautiously at first, kind of eyeing you.

Bee/Polaris: Oh, sorry. Our chef made that. He's an excellent chef.

Avery/GM: She just nods in agreement and just starts

scarfing it down. What do you want to ask this person?

Bee/Polaris: What are you in for? Polaris will add a, don't lie to me.

Avery/GM: No, No, no lies.Not with this good food. Two of us are our contractors that once we found out what we were going to be doing here at Ithaca, we told them we did not want to be part of such a vicious, cruel, Attack on our own people of the hegemony.

Bee/Polaris: Good enough for me. Polaris' like, sorry. Polaris' like, bangs on the side of the wall and like, calls over to Zahn. This one's good.

Zach/Zahn: You get a K! And then he pushes the button to deactivate its cell.

Avery/GM: Sure. Zeno picks up the bento and is like scarfing it as it comes out of the, the prison cell and starts kind of slithering around the hallway. Where are you going next, polaris?

Bee/Polaris: To the culture buddy. The, the, the other one.

Avery/GM: The Historian?

Bee/Polaris: Yeah. Polaris will. We know the name of the historian. What's the historian?

Avery/GM: Jasper.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris is going to call over to Zeno and say, Is Jasper with you?

Avery/GM: Oh, yes. A very knowledgeable individual. He will be most helpful in whatever you plan on doing.

Bee/Polaris: Good enough for me. Polaris calls over to Zahn again. Jasper's good!

Zach/Zahn: And he, and he deactivates.

Avery/GM: Jasper comes running down the hallway towards you Polaris. Tall dude, purple hair, dark skin. Wearing sort of just, you know, a, a standard, you know, ship jumpsuit type of thing. He does have an eyepatch.

Bee/Polaris: Fancy.

Avery/GM: And probably like mid thirties. Or so and

Bee/Polaris: Polaris waves.

Avery/GM: He's he's coming towards you and it's just like oh, thank you. Thank you so much for helping us Yeah, the Hegemony has some really bad stuff planned for Ithaca. Do you know about this?

Bee/Polaris: Yeah. Yeah, we know We yeah, we know

Avery/GM: it would be such a loss to the whole galaxy. I mean, yeah, they're they're Hegemony and stuff, but doesn't mean they deserve that. I mean, just for being in their section of space.

Bee/Polaris: Okay. Yeah. I mean, we're here to help. So.

Avery/GM: Cool. Thanks. I'll just wait for you by the elevator. Yeah.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah. If you haven't eaten, talk to the tall lizard person, that's our chef, Bruce.

Avery/GM: Well will do. And starts heading out. Before we get to Nolari,

Bee/Polaris: Yep!

Avery/GM: Marty, you are standing here next to Rho. Silver Shield is down the hallway, kind of looking a little Pensive, a little nervous, but what do you do?

Jenine/Marty: Yeah, so, hi Rho, how are you doing? No injuries, everything's cool, you're good.

Avery/GM: Everything's great. I actually feel, you know, ever since I've, I've been using my psychic powers a little bit more sparingly, since we did the mind meld, I've noticed that the, it doesn't hurt when I use my powers anymore. I don't know what you did, Marty, but, It's amazing.

Jenine/Marty: Oh just used a friend's research and was able to help. That's, that's what I'm here to do. With that, there is someone I would like you to meet. Actually, not really meet. More along the lines ofre-meet.. Silver shield, could you come down? Promise we won't bite.

Avery/GM: Yeah, I guess, I guess that's, that's fine and he wanders down the hall towards you both. Rho is kinda eyeing him, with like, the look of like, when you see someone, and they look familiar, but you just can't quite place it. Who's your friend?

Jenine/Marty: Well, someone I worked with, that's who I was helping with the past couple of days, and some Wormholes does the whole, like, time changes thing significantly, but I want to reintroduce you to your brother.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, I fucking knew it! God damn it! Oh my god!

Jenine/Marty: That was me screaming yesterday. Screaming.

Zach/Zahn: The Silver Shield... Is Rho's brother?

Bee/Polaris: Rho's brother.

Zach/Zahn: But, he's from our

Bee/Polaris: You remember the time stuff? Yeah. Like from the wormhole.

Zach/Zahn: Yeah.

Bee/Polaris: There was like a big delay in like the time between like the custodians leaving and like what actually happened.

Chris/Ollie: So Silver Shield got here years earlier before Ruff.

Jenine/Marty: And had his, and all of the memory was gone of his past life.

Bee/Polaris: Holy shit!

Jenine/Marty: Yeah, yeah. Wow! Yeah, yeah, it's a lot.

Avery/GM: Rho looks at you. Marty looks at the silver shield. Looks at you. Looks at the silver shield. And just, like, Body slam tackle hugs him. And there is some weeping sounds and crying. And it is a very sweet, emotional moment. It's a little harder to see since there's There's not good lighting on this floor due to the lights being out, but it's very sweet.

And after a few moments of this very sweet reunion, Rho sort of helps him to his feet and is Just like how, how did you, how did you survive Adis? What are you doing? Why are you so old? And, and Marty, you already have seen this. Is anyone else next to Marty when this is happening? Like Bruce, did you wander back or?

Caden/Bruce: I feel like Bruce was doing the thing where it was like, he was watching Polaris and Ollie, like, go down the hallway, and then keeping an eye also on Marty, and then like, When he notices Marty, like going back, probably like follows, but like also in the way where it's just like, he wasn't invited into the conversation.

So he's not like right there. You know what I mean?

Avery/GM: You're kind of hanging.

Caden/Bruce: Yeah. Kind of hanging back. Just hanging back, but able to see.

Avery/GM: Yeah. Through the glow of all this telekinetic energy that's going on with all their weapons and armor. Yeah, you do, you do kind of get the, the, the look at the silver shield and you see that silver shield looks at least like 15 or 20 years older than Rho.

You do remember that. That Rho had a twin brother that died on Adis or that she thought died on Adis.. And Silver Shield looks at her and says, I think we should save a lot of the details for when we're not in a ship that is being attacked. But I was off planet doing some research for a new experimental shuttlecraft.

And when I returned to the system, that's when I saw the planet explode. And I followed the ship that was leaving Aris through a wormhole, and I don't know, I lost it somehow and ended up stranded on a different planet. No memory. I kind of took on this persona, and he like gestures at his silly little superhero outfit.

Sis, I'm so, so glad you're, you're still alive and you're still here. I missed you. And he gives her another hug and it's like, but there's no time for that. Now it is time to stop, whatever this is going on, what is going on? And Rho starts kind of giving a breakdown of the, of the mission and what's going on with, with this whole planet.

Like basically like, Hey, you remember the thing that happened to the planet you just saw get destroyed 20 years ago? Same thing.

Zach/Zahn: We're trying to prevent that.

Avery/GM: 20 years ago for him, 300 years for the custodians. Doesn't matter.

Zach/Zahn: Oh, geez.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah.

Avery/GM: Wibbly wobbly timey wimey.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah.

Avery/GM: That's the name of the game here. Polaris, you come up to this last cell. There is this, it's, it's, it's really hard to see the definition of this creature because the room is also dark, but you do see kind of this glowing orb of light and like shifting shadows moving behind it and in front of it and it floats over to the laser grid and is just like, You will tell us who you are. You. Will answer to us.

Bee/Polaris: What were you asking my name, or? Was that a command, or?

Avery/GM: Yes. Who are you? What do you want?

Bee/Polaris: Oh, yeah, my name is Polaris. We're just new management, we're taking over the ship. What are you doing here?

Avery/GM: Do you want the whole story, or just the cliff notes?

Bee/Polaris: Give me a second. Polaris types in chat, how much time we got?

Jenine/Marty: And I text back, I text back, just a heads up, I did get a pre cog yesterday that Rhea captured all of you, and I don't know if she's, on her way, yet... So.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris says fast spark notes.

Chris/Ollie: There's probably like a distant explosion and the ship shakes.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, fast, fast, fast. We can get the full story later.

Avery/GM: Nalari says, We have journeyed far in our trip through the universe. We decided to check out the ship and ended up being captured. We would like to be free.

Bee/Polaris: Friend or foe?

Avery/GM: We are friends to those who are kind. We are foes to those who are mean.

Bee/Polaris: Okay, well my thing is like if our goals don't like align we're kind of gonna be at odds, you know, we're here to Free the contractors, get our friend back, stop the planet from being destroyed. What are your goals?

Avery/GM: I only wish to journey.

Bee/Polaris: That's not very specific. Where?

Avery/GM: Everywhere. And essentially this person just, just wants to be on their way.

Bee/Polaris: Oh, so you, if we open this, you're just gonna leave?

Avery/GM: Yes. We are not meant to stay anywhere for too long.

Bee/Polaris: That's fair. I get that. Polaris will send in chat to Zahn because he's too far away.

This one's good. Smiley face. Which, by the way, he's been livestreaming this whole thing, so

Avery/GM: Probably didn't need to. Yeah.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah.

Zach/Zahn: Zahn hits the button.

Avery/GM: Okay. Yeah, this orb of light and shadow shoots out of the prison cell. goes down, ducks through this hole, Marty, you see this light and shadow being, shoot over to the elevator and it has disappeared.

Bee/Polaris: Bye. I wish you well.

Avery/GM: Yeah, but you still have two NPCs.

Zach/Zahn: Hope you don't end up being the BBEG later!

Avery/GM: No.

Bee/Polaris: Avery, don't do this to me. The cool shadow person is a

Avery/GM: I wouldn't do that.

Bee/Polaris: Please, friend.

Avery/GM: You, you let them go. You are their best friend now.

Bee/Polaris: Hell Yeah!

Avery/GM: Bruce may have a plant, but you have a shadow.

Bee/Polaris: Let's fucking go! In every single game I play, I end up with some sort of shadow motiff.

Avery/GM: Oh man.

Bee/Polaris: Fuck yeah, hell yeah. Okay. Anyway.

Avery/GM: But you do still have Jasper and Zeno here kind of just wandering around. What's the play? Where, where's, where to next?

Bee/Polaris: Polaris gets out of hole.

Avery/GM: Sure. Y'all kind of reconvene?

Bee/Polaris: Yeah.

Chris/Ollie: Oh, also. While this was going on, Ollie wandered up to the console Zahn was on, plugged into his remote link unit and it was like remotely hacking it as Zahn was also hacking it.

Avery/GM: Oh, sure. Like I said, there's actually no hack here because the security was already lifted because some, you know, If you don't hit ctrl alt delete and lock your computer, you're screwed. So.

Chris/Ollie: Dumb robots? Ollie wants to look

Bee/Polaris: Oh, I killed it before it could.

Chris/Ollie: Well, he's dumb for getting killed. Ollie wants to look for any connection that he can get from this terminal to Hermes.

Bee/Polaris: Oh, didn't we establish that was on a separate thing?

Chris/Ollie: Yeah, from the last terminal, but I want to see if I can, because I want to hit this, I can't remember what the program's names are. Iaso, And

Avery/GM: yeah Iaso is the killer. And

Bee/Polaris: epios

Chris/Ollie: yeah, Epios. So I want to hit the ship with the Iaso but I want to hit Hermes with the Epios first. So I wanna see if I can,

Avery/GM: wouldn't really do any ' cause the Iaso would just kill an AI connected to a system. So,

Chris/Ollie: but like the like the Cassiopeia had the subordinate AI. The, if the ship had any of those, the Iaso would wipe them out.

Avery/GM: Yeah. This ship does not. Cause that was, that's a specific feature of. Rho's Galaxy.

Chris/Ollie: Oh, okay. Milky way ingenuity there.

Avery/GM: Yeah.

Chris/Ollie: All right. Well, then Ollie will also want to download any information you can get from here.

Avery/GM: Yeah, I will let you, you were able to get Maps of the rest of the ship. There is deck three, which is right above you. And there is a secondary command center there.

There is the information core, which is connected to deck three, but down one level and can only be accessed through deck three

Chris/Ollie: information core. That's got Ollie's attention.

Avery/GM: And then there is the command deck, which is where the operations of the ship are mainly functioning or, or centrally


Chris/Ollie: like these like Sequential.


Avery/GM: Yeah. And yeah, you are also able to access No, let's, let's make it fun. We'll roll a d6 and see which extra system you can access. Okay. You can also access the gravity to turn it off. You cannot turn it up, but you can turn it off or lower it.

Chris/Ollie: Okay. Ollie will put in chat would anyone prefer slightly lower gravity?

Bee/Polaris: I mean, we don't have anything heavy to carry, so.

Jenine/Marty: Excuse me?

Caden/Bruce: Bruce just sends back question mark, question mark, question mark.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris will send the same gravity is fine with me, thank you.

Chris/Ollie: Ollie will be like, shit, cause he wanted to tie together and grab all that robot scrap and drag it with him, but he didn't want to be too obvious.

Bee/Polaris: Well we can do that later. Okay.

Zach/Zahn: So Avery, with New Terra having come from Earth, but always having been referred to as Terra, it's gravity, would it, since we refer to it as Earth like gravity, would it, that still have carried over, and Zaun's just like, yeah, we'll keep it at Earth gravity, and then no one knows what Earth gravity is.


Avery/GM: Yeah, that could be a quirk that, that, that Zahn has. Totally.

Chris/Ollie: Every time you say it, we're like, what the fuck is Earth?

Zach/Zahn: Zahn is just like, I don't know, I thought Earth was like a unit of measurement.

Bee/Polaris: That's funny.

Zach/Zahn: Yeah. So just like, yeah, he's like, yeah, just keep it at Earth's gravity.

Chris/Ollie: And then one last thing, I want to see if there's any other robots that I can attach to from this terminal and convert let me look here

Zach/Zahn: ooo is mine getting mine should get my robot to get a different symbol to simplicity. Hmm

Chris/Ollie: Until I just oh hack. Thanks

Avery/GM: So there are three robots that this terminal can communicate with, and probably with a really good hack roll., you could probably somehow get to them.

One of them is on deck three and is designation B 1 6 B 0 1. Big boy.

Chris/Ollie: Big boy.

Avery/GM: Big boy.

Zach/Zahn: Oh boy!

Avery/GM: And then the other two

Chris/Ollie: Is one of the other ones named Andre 3000?

Avery/GM: No, wait, what?

Chris/Ollie: Big boi is one of the outkast.

Avery/GM: Yeah, I didn't realize that. No, I was, I was just because it's a big robot. It's a big robot. The other two robots are down in, are located in the information core and they are designated Keeper 4. 72 Alpha and Keeper 4. 72 Beta.

Chris/Ollie: Okay. Attempting this hack roll to seize direct control of these guys. Would I be rolling against Hermes, or?

Avery/GM: No, you're just rolling against the DC that I have for each one.

Chris/Ollie: Oh, individually?

Avery/GM: Well, you can roll, yeah, you'll need to roll three hack rolls.

Chris/Ollie: Okay, yeah, I'll roll first, and then if I need to, I'll expend my cognition.

Avery/GM: Sure.

Chris/Ollie: 10 for the first one, because I'm rolling dog shit, 15 for the second, 14 for the third.

Avery/GM: You are able to take control of two of them. Which two do you want?

Chris/Ollie: Well I also want to, unless the opportunity is gone because of the failed hack, commit a processing to automatically succeed.

Avery/GM: You got all three.

There you go.

Chris/Ollie: Excellent.

Bee/Polaris: Hell yeah. Fuck yeah.

Avery/GM: You suddenly have a feed of the Deck 3, which I'll pop you over there for a minute so you can see it.

Bee/Polaris: Ooh, Deck 3.

Avery/GM: This robot right here is the one you have control of.

Bee/Polaris: Big boy! Oh, what the fuck?

Avery/GM: He is a big boy.

Zach/Zahn: He is big boy.

Bee/Polaris: He is a big boy.

Avery/GM: This robot is equipped with a Gatling laser, which does 3D12. And it is clearly in an armory of some kind. And then I'll pop you over to the information core real quick. And these are the two robots and you see them. They are in front of these weird looking pods that look like people can go into them.

Chris/Ollie: Are they hooked up to terminals at all? Or are they just freestanding?

Avery/GM: The pods?

Chris/Ollie: Yeah.

Avery/GM: Yeah. The pods are hooked up to these central weird looking terminals.

Chris/Ollie: I want to commit. Another processing

Avery/GM: sure to

Chris/Ollie: split my cognition and take individual control of each of those robots

Avery/GM: Okay

Chris/Ollie: have both of these guys in the info room start hooking up to the info core and Hook up to that terminal and just start so

Avery/GM: you want them to go to the core

Bee/Polaris: Vampire the data?

Chris/Ollie: Oh, is it only one terminal?

Avery/GM: So there's one core. This is the main information core. These are for processing whatever goes in here

Chris/Ollie: All right. I'll have one of them stand on standby the other one hook up to the terminal Start gathering like info what these do how they work anything else they can access.

Avery/GM: Okay.

Chris/Ollie: I want the robot in the armory Is there anyone else here any security anyone looking at him?

Avery/GM: No one looking at him

Chris/Ollie: Start grabbing anything. He can store from the armory any Hook up the feeds of course to the the team and ask would anyone like anything? It's all on me

Avery/GM: I mean, all the weapons here are like basic, like you know, standard issue type stuff.

Chris/Ollie: Are there grenades, though?

Avery/GM: There are, there are grenades.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, Polaris was about to, yeah, Polaris spams grenades in chat.

Chris/Ollie: Grab all the grenades, satchel charges, EMP grenades, hacking spikes, whatever those are. Anything.

Avery/GM: Yeah you get a generic bunch of supplies, some grenades and stuff. We'll probably come up with a full list by the next session. But yeah, you're fully loaded.

Chris/Ollie: Excellent. For now though, just have him wait. I want to not immediately, yeah, not immediately start blowing holes. Sure. That's probably a good idea.

Avery/GM: Cool. Polaris, you come through the hole back on deck two and you see Rho, Marty, and the Silver Shield whose actual name is Psi P S I, standing kind of together and Rho looks super happy and looks over at you in waves and says, Polaris, come meet my brother.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris, like, takes one step forward, but doesn't know who this person is, so is like, uhhhh. Also, like, this is allegedly the person that his custodian's murdered, so,

Avery/GM: Yeah. Yep.

Bee/Polaris: He's, he's happy that he's not murdered. Actually, Polaris will say, Polaris will just say, I'm glad you're not murdered.

Avery/GM: Looks very confused at you, and is like, thank you?

And looks at Rho, and Rho's like, I'll explain later.

Bee/Polaris: Oh, how much time has passed?

Avery/GM: 10, 15 minutes, something like that.

Bee/Polaris: Hell yeah, fuck yeah. Because I still have to heal.

Jenine/Marty: Oh wait, I got you. You need to heal. I'm right here.

Bee/Polaris: Is it 10 or 15? I'm about to make your job easier already. Was it 10 minutes or 15 minutes? Because I heal one HP per five minutes.

Avery/GM: It's been 15 minutes. Yeah.

Bee/Polaris: Okay. I'm at 29 out of 37. Hey, so yeah, Polaris is a little banged up I got little bullet holes in him.

Jenine/Marty: I think I'll do a little heal. I don't even have to use powers for the heal. A little heal check?

Avery/GM: Yeah.

Jenine/Marty: Okay, cool. Do do do. That's gonna be, I rolled a, nine, ten, and then do I add intelligence or wisdom?

Avery/GM: Wisdom.

Jenine/Marty: Okay, it's a twelve.

Bee/Polaris: Okay. I gotta do math.

Jenine/Marty: Well, that's the, that's what I did for the heal check, so that means I'm gonna heal you with, Oh, okay, okay, okay. I'm not using any psionics, I'm just doing like a basic, like, Tools. Yeah. Med kit.

Avery/GM: I believe that just speeds up the healing.

Jenine/Marty: Does it speed up the healing?


Bee/Polaris: even faster.

Jenine/Marty: I know this, that you repair yourself very quickly.

Avery/GM: Yes.

Bee/Polaris: I don't know.

Avery/GM: Yes, you do. You saw that in the,

Jenine/Marty: in your, in your report. That wasn't,

Bee/Polaris: it was in the medical files.

Avery/GM: No, you've, you've witnessed it. You've witnessed it, but you haven't read the specific details on it.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah. Polaris didn't make a big deal about it.

Jenine/Marty: Okay, cool. I did Marty got a hold of his I'm like, did Marty read it?

Bee/Polaris: It was his normal medical charts, not normal blood test. Cause the All the, all the like, secret stuff about Polaris are on the documents that he took from the robot in the basement from Alioth, that he has literally not told you guys about. He just sent random coordinates in the chat from them, but didn't say anything else about it.

Jenine/Marty: That's cute, that's cute, that's cute. Wait, I'm trying to

Caden/Bruce: But you could heal Bruce, Bruce is hurting too.

Jenine/Marty: Oh, I'm coming, I'm I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming. So, I can do remote repair, right? If I can change what I'm committing?

Okay, great. So we're gonna do remote repair, and I believe I can do this on two of you. Yes. Yes. Amazing.

Avery/GM: Your skill should be high enough, yeah to

Jenine/Marty: okay, great. Alright, cool. So, I'll do a remote repair on both of my friends and it's a D 2D6? 2D6 for you guys? I am 2D6 plus 2! That's so exciting! Okay, so, who's hurt more?

Bee/Polaris: Bruce what does Bruce have?

Caden/Bruce: 23 out of 36.

Bee/Polaris: Actually, yeah. Heal Bruce, because Polaris heals fast.

Jenine/Marty: Bruce, you get a 6 plus 5 plus 2, so that's 13 points back. And then Polaris, you get 9 plus 11! Yay!

Bee/Polaris: I'm back up to full!

Caden/Bruce: I'm also back up to full!

Jenine/Marty: Yay!

Zach/Zahn: I didn't get hit at all.

Chris/Ollie: Same.

Bee/Polaris: Must be nice.

Chris/Ollie: No one wants to shoot the dog.

It's pretty nice.

Bee/Polaris: That's fair.

Avery/GM: You almost got a robot exploded in your face though.

Chris/Ollie: Almost. But.

Bee/Polaris: That is true. But that's not a shot.

Avery/GM: Y'all are back together again you have a, a brief moment of downtime before the next thing happens. Does anyone want to give Marty kind of the update or we're going to save that for maybe when you're not still in danger?

Bee/Polaris: I mean, we should probably give her a rundown of what happened though. Cause we gotta figure out what happened with Marty as well.

Jenine/Marty: Oh, yeah, I just kinda I didn't do a lot. Marty didn't really do a lot in the past six days.

Zach/Zahn: Oh, we did so much. So much trauma.

Bee/Polaris: So much.

Jenine/Marty: No, no, no, no. I'm intrigued. I'm so hyped.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris will will say. There is a dead body in the last cell.

Jenine/Marty: Huh.

Zach/Zahn: Yeah, I figure we'll deal with that when we're, you know, cleaning up the ship after we've cleared it out.

Avery/GM: Bruce, you see the little leaf that has sprouted from your potted plant, like kind of like tug towards like the direction that Polaris indicates?

Chris/Ollie: Towards the body.

Caden/Bruce: Bruce, Bruce out loud is going to say, Eden, I've been teaching you better. You don't need to eat flesh to be full.

Zach/Zahn: You didn't leave Eden on the ship? Zahn exclaims. He's like, what?

Caden/Bruce: Nope. I brought Eden with me. She wants an adventure.

Chris/Ollie: I will mention, well, if she's hungry, you might as well feed her, right?

Bee/Polaris: No.

Zach/Zahn: No!

Caden/Bruce: No.

Zach/Zahn: You don't want to teach her bad habits.

Bee/Polaris: The friends of this person are literally here.

Chris/Ollie: Is meat not meat?

Avery/GM: Oh my gosh!

Bee/Polaris: I mean, yes, but it's complicated, I think. Polaris has like a loading screen on his helmet. Because he was raised by robots.

Zach/Zahn: So it's going to turn to the two contractors, and it's going to be like we're going to continue, you know, doing our thing moving up. If you guys don't really want to participate in that the other contractors are down below, just, you know, don't, don't, don't. Please, or we'll have to make you die.

Bee/Polaris: What? No, I thought they, we were giving them the option to leave or stay. And we were going to,

Zach/Zahn: I know I'm giving them the option to leave or stay and if they try and stop us or interfere, they will die.

Avery/GM: You're just telling them to go wait downstairs, right?

Chris/Ollie: Unless they want to get into danger.

Zach/Zahn: Unless they want to help. They can help by, you know,

Bee/Polaris: Yeah one of them's an engineer.

Avery/GM: Oh gosh, these names. Zeno. Zeno speaks up and says I could go down to the engine room and perhaps give you all a bit more of an advantage.

Bee/Polaris: That'd be good. Actually, do either of you know anything about Rhea?

Avery/GM: Jasper kind of puts a finger up and is like, I actually have studied extensively a lot of the the members of the twelve for the hegemony council. I could, I could give you.

Bee/Polaris: The what? The what?

Avery/GM: Oh, the hegemony.

Bee/Polaris: They're, there's,

Avery/GM: they're, they're run by a twelve person council that serves the eternal one.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris like deep sighs and like looks up at the ceiling and it's just like, that's so many people to kill.

Avery/GM: He has like a shocked look on his face.

Bee/Polaris: I mean the, the aftermath of what we've done is like laying in the hallway, like the robots and everything.

Chris/Ollie: Yeah, we're literally, we're, yeah, where we're standing is right on top of them.

Zach/Zahn: Zahn is gonna pick up one of the robot blasters.

Chris/Ollie: Same. Actually, all they will do the same.

Avery/GM: Okay. Yeah. Whoever wants one picks up a 3d6 laser rapid fire laser pistol with a minus two penalty to hit.

Zach/Zahn: Is it minus two only if you engage the multi blast?

Avery/GM: It is only set to multi blast.

Zach/Zahn: Got it.

Chris/Ollie: Okay. But it has a permanent.

Avery/GM: So you all are standing here in this hallway, Polaris, you're asking Jasper about Rhea. And, Zeno has offered to go down to the floor below and mess with the engine room a bit to give you some advantage. And after Zeno leaves you hear Rhea's voice come on the intercom, and there is a chuckle. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, please. Please, don't, don't ask questions of, of that one about me, just Come on up to the command deck and we can talk face to face, Polaris.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris like flips off around him, like at any camera that might be somewhere, just like, just in case he sees it. He just like spins around with his middle fingers up.

Avery/GM: Fuck you.

Bee/Polaris: He doesn't know where the camera is. So he's doing the thing where he's like looking for it, but like flipping off there.

Avery/GM: Yeah, totally. And Rhea just says, Oh, you're so vulgar. This will be a lot of fun.

(Outro music plays, fades down)

Happy pride listeners. Thank you for listening to our show. If you've enjoyed our first season so far, be sure to go leave a review on iTunes, Spotify, or whichever podcast app you use. It really helps us out. Intro and outro music produced by Dustin Carpenter. Background music includes Generation Ship from tabletopaudio. com, used under an attribution, non commercial license from Creative Commons, as well as the track, Another Time, by Joel Studler, used under a royalty free music bundle, purchased through humblebundle. com. We'll be back on June 15th with our next episode. See you out there, beyond the furthest stars!

(Outro music fades up and plays out)