Episode 46 - Zahn Get's a Break

Avery/GM: Welcome to episode 46 of Beyond the Furthest Stars.

Bruce, you get a message from Lazuli and it just says, mission failed, all units retreat.

Bee/Polaris: Son of a bitch!

Caden/Bruce: Bruce will post that in the group chat and just be like, Uh oh.

Chris/Ollie: Ollie will also mention that, uh, I'm, uh, mounting an assault on the control room. It should cease the enemy assault.

Bee/Polaris: Yes, can you take them out and probably get back in?

Avery/GM: And from down the hall you do hear a door burst in.

Jenine/Marty: Ooo

Bee/Polaris: We need to get on comms.

Caden/Bruce: Bruce will reply to Lazuli and just be like, We're on an enemy ship, trying to stop things. Respectfully declining your order.

Avery/GM: Lazuli just replies back and says, Ithaca's lost. They've transmitted the virus before I could install the protection.

Zach/Zahn: Oh, this is a canon event.

Chris/Ollie: Well, wait. It wasn't, but now it is.

Bee/Polaris: What? Why?

Chris/Ollie: Because they're incompetent.

Caden/Bruce: Bruce will like, copy and paste that message into the group chat, followed by another, uh oh.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris will throw his gun on the ground and cross his arms.

Zach/Zahn: Uh, is there not a way to cut the virus off before it can do heavy damage?

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, can't you just upload it at the same time?

Chris/Ollie: I mean, they had copies of the, of the, uh, the countermeasure.

Avery/GM: Mm hmm. They just didn't get to the, The right place at the right time yet, maybe connected to those 48 missing weapons.

Bee/Polaris: Well, there is no way we can know about that. Oh, well.

Chris/Ollie: Well, um, now we just need to upload Hermes into the planet and, uh, talk about a come up. Got a whole planet.

Zach/Zahn: Yeah, we upload, upload Hermes to the Well, we can also upload Ollie. Ollie has the protection as well. And we also have Ollie immediately on hand.

Chris/Ollie: Zahn, you like to work, right? Go ahead and hook up boosters to the planet and make it a ship.

Bee/Polaris: I say we cut our losses and blow up the ship. We get herpes and blow up the ship.

Avery/GM: Ollie, go ahead and roll. What did I give this robot?

Chris/Ollie: Oh, the big boy.

Avery/GM: Yeah, it's got a big old Gatling gun on it. So let's have you roll three D12, or go ahead and roll. If you want to start attacking these things inside with it, go ahead and roll to attack and add your program as the attack.

Chris/Ollie: Yeah. What is the, uh, the ED 209 quote?

Zach/Zahn: Put down your weapons. You have 30 seconds to comply.

Chris/Ollie: Yes, that's it. So it's going to say that as it comes in, but it's going to immediately open fire.

Avery/GM: Okay. Light this place up, I guess. And with the Gatling gun, you can target two targets with one attack.

Chris/Ollie: Two targets. So it's just two attacks,

Avery/GM: one attack, two targets. So they'll each get damaged base if, if it hits both of them.

Chris/Ollie: You said, plus my program, is it, uh, intelligence as well, or just program?

Avery/GM: Yes. Yes. Yeah. Sorry.

Chris/Ollie: Oof. 12.

Avery/GM: Just 12. Um, you hit a bunch of computers in this room, but you actually missed your targets.

Chris/Ollie: I mean, that should probably stop the fighting at least, but we've already lost.

Avery/GM: Yeah, you haven't lost. Your personal mission is just to save your friend, the AI.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, it's only a matter of time.

Zach/Zahn: I mean, we, we went, we literally just experienced horror and hell so that we could save the people on the planet, too.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah,

Avery/GM: this is true.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, it's not a great, you know. Update,

Avery/GM: we did, we did go through Zahn's personal hell.

Zach/Zahn: We, we literally could have skipped all that and come straight here.

Bee/Polaris: Yup, truly. Yeah, I bet Zahn's thinking about that too.

Zach/Zahn: Yeah, he's more than a little pissed off right now.

Chris/Ollie: Zahn, yeah, what do you, you know, we didn't have to go have you kill your mom or your dad, you know. That was just a waste of time.

Avery/GM: So, uh, you do hear this big mech start opening fire somewhere further down the ship.

Are you running towards the gunfire or still standing here trying to strategize?

Chris/Ollie: I'm going to have all the robots just like rolling advanced, moving in and shooting as they go, uh, as, as movement as they can. So I don't know if the other guys can get in there, but that's the intention.

Avery/GM: Uh, did you have the robot move further in?

Chris/Ollie: Yeah.

Avery/GM: Oh Okay.,

Chris/Ollie: he's like moving as he's shooting. Yeah. Gotcha. Actually, you know what? I should just give you control of this sprite.

Zach/Zahn: So I just

Chris/Ollie: Yes. Give me control.

Zach/Zahn: Um, where which which elevator is the way up to the command deck?

Avery/GM: So, this will take you up to the command deck if you get the key. This hatch will take you up to the command deck without the key. This goes down to the information core.

Zach/Zahn: Gotcha. Where's the key at?

Avery/GM: Hmm, probably on one of these guys here. But you might have to look for it.

Bee/Polaris: Why do we need a key when we have laser blades?

Jenine/Marty: Yeah, you're right, you're right.

Zach/Zahn: It's like a command key to activate the elevator to go up.

Bee/Polaris: Oh, okay.

Avery/GM: Yeah, kind of like how firefighters have like a key to operate the, the elevator in a burning building.

Bee/Polaris: Gotcha, gotcha. Okay, so then why do we need a key if we have Ollie?

Avery/GM: Good point.

Zach/Zahn: So I just rolled a mental save for Zahn to lose his shit and I rolled one less than his mental save. So Zahn's about to lose his shit. He's going to book it. For the hatch that isn't going to make him have to wait longer to go up.

Avery/GM: Okay. You just see Zahn bolt down the hallway. Um, as the rest of you all are standing here, anyone doing anything else?

Zach/Zahn: You hear a loud muffled yell from underneath his helmet.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris sends the, why are you running? No, I'm kidding.

Zach/Zahn: Uh, he says emotional, the emotional damage, uh, yeah, no.

Avery/GM: Um,

Bee/Polaris: well, this is the final episode of this season, actually of this podcast, guys.

Might as well go out with a bang.

Avery/GM: I don't know what you're talking about. Y'all will be fine.

Bee/Polaris: No, Zahn is literally rushing headfirst to go murder Rhea, who we established as a thousand year old god, basically.

Zach/Zahn: Yeah, but thousand year old gods aren't immune to, uh, spike bullets.

Bee/Polaris: No, but they're very resistant.

Jenine/Marty: One question. As someone in the medical field and probably as familiar when people are doing some crazy things because it is not a good mental state for them, would I be able to discern that what I'm witnessing? And along with that, could I use my, I still have this, uh, I'm still, uh, can I use telekinetic armor? And just like, Hook back in our friend from running in a safe manner.

Chris/Ollie: Like put armor around him, but make, make it so it can't move.

Jenine/Marty: But like, like a little net and just go like backwards.

Avery/GM: That is an interesting use of that power. I do like it. Let's go with a, uh, Go ahead and roll intelligence telepathy first to see if you pick up on this changed, uh, state because Marty wouldn't necessarily have the context for everything he's gone through yet.

Bee/Polaris: I mean, Polaris did say that Zahn needs, is gonna need some help because he went through some rough shit.

Jenine/Marty: So it's intelligence, what again?

Avery/GM: And your telepathy skill.

Jenine/Marty: So that's a nine plus telepathy, which I think is just a one.

It's a ten.

Avery/GM: Yeah. You pick up on Zahn's changed state. He's definitely gone from kind of his normal kind of just grumpy Zahn mode. To like, I am gonna get revenge mode.

Jenine/Marty: Yeah.

Avery/GM: Is that fair to say Sherman?

Zach/Zahn: I would say, yeah. I don't know about revenge specifically, but like vengeance is another ideal.

Avery/GM: Like if, if I'm, if. If that was all for nothing, I'm gonna get something out of it.

Zach/Zahn: Yeah, 100%.

Bee/Polaris: Okay, let me see if I have some rope.

Jenine/Marty: Cause technically I can make a melee weapon. So what if I did a net?

Avery/GM: I do like that, that's very funny. That is very funny.

Bee/Polaris: How anticlimactic. Imagine being like, very pissed off and mad that you get netted.

Zach/Zahn: Then you're just angry and netted.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, but like, what are you gonna do? You're just gonna be like, on the ground flailing around in a net, but like, very mad.

Zach/Zahn: Yeah.

Chris/Ollie: Yeah, just like, struggling.

Avery/GM: Um, yeah, let's, uh, okay, go ahead and roll, or no, actually we'll have Zahn roll a, a physical saving throw to see if this net catches him before he just books it.

Zach/Zahn: So my physical saving throw is versus eight and I rolled a 13.

Avery/GM: Okay. Bruce, were you also running?

Caden/Bruce: Oh yeah. Bruce is trying to follow Zahn and if he can catch up is just going to throw his whole entire body weight onto him to stop. Stop him.

Avery/GM: Okay. So Zahn takes off, starts running, Marty tries to throw this psychic net over Zahn. Bruce, roll a physical saving throw.

Caden/Bruce: Oh no.

Jenine/Marty: Oh no, sorry. It's

Caden/Bruce: okay. That definitely did not save. You have to roll over, right?

Bee/Polaris: Yeah.

Avery/GM: D20, yeah, D20 versus whatever your number was.

Caden/Bruce: Yeah, yeah, no I rolled a 5.

Bee/Polaris: I got him.

Avery/GM: Yeah, you, uh, you catch Bruce in your net, uh, Marty.

Bee/Polaris: Okay, I got him. Um, Okay, so, First things first, Zahn takes off, Marty tries to net him, Bruce takes off as well, gets netted, and Zahn is still running?

Zach/Zahn: Yes.

Avery/GM: Yeah,

Bee/Polaris: how far away is he? So

Avery/GM: how much is your movement actually per turn Zahn?

Zach/Zahn: I'm assuming if it's by kind of universal tabletop RPG standards 30 feet per round, but he's Rushing, so it'd be

Avery/GM: doing the rush.

Zach/Zahn: Yeah.

Avery/GM: So, okay.

Bee/Polaris: Okay. Can Polaris jet pack over to Zahn?

Avery/GM: Sure. I forget how much extra movement

Bee/Polaris: 60 feet of uninterrupted movement once per turn.

Zach/Zahn: You gave me the same

Bee/Polaris: plus my walk speed.

Zach/Zahn: Yep. 60 feet. Fly speed.

Bee/Polaris: This is about to be the most fucking ridiculous thing ever. Polaris has a survival kit, which is like he, he brought that on with, uh, onto the, um, Onto New Terra, which is where he got the glow sticks and part of the survival kit is a thermal blanket. So can Polaris just get, like, jetpack over to him and tackle him with the blanket?

Chris/Ollie: Like wrap him with a tackle?? Oh, beautiful.

Avery/GM: Sure, go ahead and roll a Strength Exert check, and we'll make that value the value that Zahn has to roll against for a save.

Bee/Polaris: Oh, uh, so, wait, is he gonna also be rolling Strength Exert?

Avery/GM: Yes.

Bee/Polaris: Okay. I was about to say, against a d20?

Avery/GM: It's gonna be a Strength Exert contest, basically.

Bee/Polaris: Okay. I hope your Strength and Exert is okay.

Zach/Zahn: Uh, I actually have a plus one in Exert, but no pluses in Strength, so.

Bee/Polaris: Okay, we're even there, then. I have a plus zero in exert, but a plus one in strength. Okay. Oh my God. Math.

Zach/Zahn: So am I roll... I'm rolling strength exert, right?.

Bee/Polaris: Same thing, yeah.

Avery/GM: Yes.

Zach/Zahn: Oh, for fuck's sake.

Bee/Polaris: I got, I got an eight.

Zach/Zahn: I got a four. I got a one and a two and then my plus one.

Avery/GM: So back over to Ollie real quick. Ollie, I've been betrayed. I went ahead and. enrolled your attacks for the other three robots, just for the sake of time, two of them connected and have started kind of firing on these, on these clowns.

You look over your shoulder and you see Zahn come booking it down the hallway and maybe you start to think to yourself, Oh, they're coming to help. How great. And then you see Polaris come around the corner on a jetpack and thermal blanket open and just wraps on up like a, like a burrito or something.

Chris/Ollie: Is Zahn still doing his, uh, angry muttering?

Bee/Polaris: Oh, he was screaming.

Chris/Ollie: So yeah. Ollie's seeing this is going to run the calculations and assume that Zahn is, uh, going a little berserk and say, uh, Zahn, please. The, the statistical likelihood of all of our survival drops if you go on ahead. We must act as a team to try and, uh, convince him.

Bee/Polaris: Does the burrito help?

Avery/GM: Uh, I mean, you have him , he's down.

Bee/Polaris: No. Does the burrito help with the, the coughing of down?

Jenine/Marty: Weighted Blanket?

Bee/Polaris: Yeah,

Chris/Ollie: well

Bee/Polaris: like how

Chris/Ollie: yeah, cuz I'm assuming he's still gonna struggle against your burritoness. So I'm trying to get him.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, Polaris burritoed him and is holding him down Like holding the burrito closed.

Zach/Zahn: Zahn is gonna activate his laser blade and try and cut out of it

Bee/Polaris: Polaris is holding Okay. ,

Chris/Ollie: this is the activity that Ollie is trying to dissuade from.

Bee/Polaris: Well, I sure hope that he doesn't get polaris's arms and legs. .

Chris/Ollie: I mean, we can get robot parts. It's

Avery/GM: !Oh, 'cause you body tackled. Yeah.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah.

Chris/Ollie: actually, well, you just grow them back.

Zach/Zahn: I, I mean,

Avery/GM: no,

Zach/Zahn: not grow back. I mean just attach the stump.

Chris/Ollie: Just to attach the stump. Yeah.

Jenine/Marty: No, no, no. You could grow 'em back. I got that spell

Avery/GM: Mar Marty. Marty does have,

Jenine/Marty: I could get that spell

Avery/GM: Marty's. Psychic ability.

Jenine/Marty: Not spell psychic ability. I can get that. It's fine. Don't worry.

Bee/Polaris: Oh my God. Okay. So you use your laser blade.

Avery/GM: Polaris roll an evasion save and Zahn go ahead and start stabbing.

Chris/Ollie: Oh, um, well, do we get to, do I get a roll to try and like convince him to chill out?

Bee/Polaris: I don't know if that's going to work.

Chris/Ollie: Or is Zahn too far gone?

Avery/GM: I'm going to let that be Zahn's character choice.

Zach/Zahn: Uh, Zahn is, is far gone at this point.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, um, so here's the thing, an evasion save would be under the assumption that Polaris knows that this is about to happen and or would move out of the way.

Avery/GM: You hear it activate?

Zach/Zahn: So So he's cutting the blanket in front of him, because you're on his back, so he's not going to stab you.

Bee/Polaris: No, he burritoed Zahn, and he's using his arms and legs to hold Zahn, like, hold the burrito closed.

Chris/Ollie: Like bear, bear hug. Plus thermoblanket.

Bee/Polaris: So, well could you, would you be able to even get your laser blade active?

Zach/Zahn: It's on his wrist.

Avery/GM: It's in his wrist.

Bee/Polaris: Oh, right. So yeah, um, you're gonna be cutting some limbs.

Zach/Zahn: Maybe. Polaris will be fine.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris is under the assumption that you wouldn't hurt him. So he's not moving.

Zach/Zahn: Oh.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah. Cause in Polaris brain, friends don't hurt friends.

Zach/Zahn: So I have a minus one to stab, but a plus one to dex.

So, a nine..

Avery/GM: I mean, it's a thermal blanket. It doesn't take much to stab it with a laser sword.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris's limbs on the other hand.

Avery/GM: Yeah. Go ahead and also roll attack.

Zach/Zahn: I rolled a two.

Avery/GM: To attack?

Zach/Zahn: Or I guess plus, uh, so six total.

Bee/Polaris: What did you roll?

Avery/GM: Does that hit your AC?

Bee/Polaris: No. Did you roll a d20?

Zach/Zahn: I rolled a two on the d20. That's why I was like, uh, yeah. So I missed in my attack, but I still cut out of the thermal blankie. And. then Zahn's gonna activate his jet boots.

Bee/Polaris: Wait, what? I don't get to do anything. .

Avery/GM: Well, no hold. Yeah, I was gonna say, let's, let's hold. Hold on. Let me,

Zach/Zahn: that'll be his next thing.

Avery/GM: Resolve these rolls first. So you do cut through the thermal blanket somehow, even though you miss all of the limbs that are holding you in place.

Zach/Zahn: unintentionally but actually doing it.

Avery/GM: Yeah. Polaris, you do see this laser blade stick out of the front and recognize it as dangerous. What do you do in response to this

Bee/Polaris: punch Zahn

Zach/Zahn: Ow!

Avery/GM: Marty do you deactivate the net as soon as you realize that it caught Bruce instead of Zahn?

Jenine/Marty: Yeah, immediately when it hits Bruce, you just see Marty go, Oh no! And then runs and just goes, Sorry, sorry, sorry! And just like pokes. At like, in the little armor around, um, Bruce. He goes, are you okay? You good?

Caden/Bruce: Uh, why is there a net on top of me?

Jenine/Marty: Well, I was aiming for, for, for, and then I turned to see what's happening with the burrito. And then I run over there cause I see a blade going.

Bee/Polaris: So yeah, Polaris is one of two things. Cuz Zahn has a power armor on, correct?

Avery/GM: Yeah.

Bee/Polaris: So probably can't knock him out with a punch.

Avery/GM: Probably not.

Bee/Polaris: Okay. So next best thing, uh, laser blade dangerous. I'm sure Marty can fix a broken arm.

Zach/Zahn: You're going to try and break my arm?

Bee/Polaris: Yes! You tried to laser blade Polaris! Polaris remembers what that feels like.

Avery/GM: A broken arm, yes. A sliced off arm, no.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris is doing blunt force damage.

Zach/Zahn: Polaris also doesn't know that I heal super fast because I don't.

Chris/Ollie: Yeah, exactly. Polaris does not make the impression of like, oh yeah, he'll just come back from this in like a day or two, there's no problem.

Avery/GM: Not six weeks.

Zach/Zahn: You just need 20, you just need 20 minutes to recover, right?

Chris/Ollie: Just walk it off with your broken arm, it'll be fine.

Bee/Polaris: All Polaris, Polaris is like doing this in like, bullet time because like his because bear trades him to fight and he's recognizing that this is a threat against him and so his knee Jerk reaction is to take out the dangerous thing

Avery/GM: Okay strength exert contest again If you're breaking the arm, I would think it would be more, yeah, I think it would be more of a, a skill check than just punching his arm.

Bee/Polaris: The reason why I said punch is because Flawless hits like a truck,

Avery/GM: so he Oh, you do have all those abilities, don't you? Yeah, which

Bee/Polaris: is why he would punch.

Avery/GM: Okay, that is fair. That is fair.

Jenine/Marty: Jeez.

Zach/Zahn: Oh no.

Avery/GM: Go ahead then. You can, I'll, I'll let it go as a roll punch.

Bee/Polaris: Can I keep my roll from last time, or do you want me to roll again?

Avery/GM: Well, what did you roll? Yeah, what did you roll?

Bee/Polaris: 18 on the d20. Not including my punch in Dex.

Jenine/Marty: Oh my gosh.

Avery/GM: So what's the total then?

Bee/Polaris: 22.

Avery/GM: Does that hit your AC?

Zach/Zahn: My AC is 20. How the fuck?

Avery/GM: Okay, roll damage.

Zach/Zahn: That's some bullshit.

Bee/Polaris: I'm so sorry!

Zach/Zahn: I love it, but I hate it.

Caden/Bruce: AC of 20 is bullshit, but

Zach/Zahn: I hate it.

Chris/Ollie: Iron Skin, its so good!

Zach/Zahn: Take it.

Bee/Polaris: Um, uh, uh,

Jenine/Marty: stop.

Bee/Polaris: 13? Damage?

Chris/Ollie: Did he rip his arm off?

Bee/Polaris: No, he's punching, so he would just break it.

Avery/GM: You just punch the elbow joint?

Chris/Ollie: You punch it off.

Bee/Polaris: So like, What is? So like Polaris isn't even realizing that he's doing this. This is all survival instinct.

Avery/GM: Oh my gosh. Zahn, you are trying to get your way out of this burrito and you feel your arm get grabbed and punched in the elbow. And your arm is, you feel a snap as your arm breaks.

Chris/Ollie: Oh no.

Avery/GM: Go ahead and make a physical save.

Zach/Zahn: Nat one.

Avery/GM: Nat one? Yeah, Zahn goes limp underneath you as he is knocked out from the pain and shock of this attack. Ollie, you have taken down two of these aliens in this command center. Uh, the one in this, uh, central area. Jumps over it and is wielding a double sided laser blade and starts engaging in close combat with your mech.

Marty, you run away from Bruce and start to go help Polaris and Zahn, and you see Polaris raise his arm up and just snap, you hear a, a, a, the snapping of bones as, uh, Polaris breaks your friend's arm.

Bee/Polaris: His laser blade is activated, no. Zahn's.

Avery/GM: I feel like it would probably deactivate like as a safety.

Bee/Polaris: Oh, yeah, okay.

Avery/GM: And, Bruce, the telekinetic armor goes away around you. The net, I should say, goes away around you and, uh, the silver shield and Rho are kind of Bringing up the rear, um, yeah.

Jenine/Marty: I'm coming.

Bee/Polaris: As soon as Polaris does that, he, like, it's a snap decision. And then, like, after it happens, and, like, Zahn slums from being unconscious, he, like, realizes what happened, and he has his hands up, and he's, like, slowly backing away from zahn. And his hands are shaking.

Chris/Ollie: Ollie, witnessing all of this, will say, Excellent job. Your actions have perfectly pacified the situation. Tail wag, dog smile. Also, Ollie will, whenever he has a chance, move up under his mech and attack this guy with laser swords and support in the assault.

Avery/GM: Sure. Just go ahead and roll 5d20 and let's see how quickly this gets, this gets gone. Cause these two clowns are gone.

Chris/Ollie: No pluses. That's a total of 31.

Avery/GM: Jesus Christ.

Chris/Ollie: Do you want me to roll them individually?

Avery/GM: I meant individually adding your intelligence and program. I'm sorry. I should be more specific.

Chris/Ollie: 15, 21, 19, 13, 18.

Avery/GM: All of those, except for one hit this guy. Um, so go ahead and roll all your damage, which should be 3d6 from each of the robots and then whatever weapon you're using. And then 3d12 from the mech.

Chris/Ollie: Okay. And the robots have no plus I, Oh, so 12, 3, 10 from the robots.

Avery/GM: 25. Okay.

Chris/Ollie: Should I even continue rolling or is this guy already a pilot?

Yeah, keep going.

Okay. So the big mech does what?

Avery/GM: 3d12.

Chris/Ollie: 3d12? Oh, geez.

Avery/GM: This is a big boy.

Chris/Ollie: He is a big boy. What's the damage on the laser blade again?

Avery/GM: 2d8 plus dex. Or no, just 2d8.

Chris/Ollie: And then my sneak attack with the laser blade from down below does 11.

Avery/GM: All those attacks, this guy, 2d8. This guy does do some damage to the big, uh, the big robot, but there's just too much firepower coming into this room at once. This guy falls to the ground, laser blade deactivated, and this guy here, who has not been touched yet by some miracle of science, drops his weapon, holds up his hands and says, uh, I surrender. I, I surrender.

Chris/Ollie: Are the weapons on this ship still firing on the Oracle?

Avery/GM: Uh, they have ceased.

Chris/Ollie: They have ceased?

Avery/GM: They ceased as soon as the computers in this room started getting destroyed.

Chris/Ollie: Uh, then I'll have my robots move up and like detain this guy. Grab him by the arms.

Avery/GM: Or I guess claws, he's technically an insect alien. But yeah.

Chris/Ollie: By his appendages.

Avery/GM: And then you and your Big robot are here.

Chris/Ollie: Ollie will post in the, uh, the chat. Hostiles pacified. Zahn included.

Bee/Polaris: Oh my God.

Avery/GM: Jesus.

Jenine/Marty: Uh,

Avery/GM: Marty real comes up behind you, puts an arm on your shoulder or hand on your shoulder. And it's just like, um, is he going to be okay?

Jenine/Marty: Yeah, I got this. This is, this is. And then she does that, that cool, the thing that cool people do when they like put their hands together and then they like pull it forward and they do a little hand crack thing.

Marty does that. Um, you see a little like, um, her hands just like a little, little blow to them and she's gonna do uh, some healing. Um, cause I'm level two. Get 2d6 plus two for this fun jazz. You are at six plus fours. 10, 12.

Avery/GM: Hey,

Jenine/Marty: hey, look at that.

Avery/GM: You heal 12 points Zahn.

Jenine/Marty: Yeah. you heal 12 points.

Zach/Zahn: Is my arm

Avery/GM: still knocked out?

Zach/Zahn: Still broken. , because I'm one point below...

Avery/GM: Does your Biopsionic....

Zach/Zahn: I'm one point below full hp.

Jenine/Marty: Let's see what I have. I have tissue inter well. People around me get some fun healing as well. if they need healing. You do. This is a system strain thing. I remember something about doing the things I should have. I should have done a real recap on how, how things work. Again,

Avery/GM: can heal tissue injuries though curing diseases, fixing deformity as require additional techniques?

Jenine/Marty: I don't think I can...

Avery/GM: Tissue injuries,

Jenine/Marty: yet, but I can, if technically I do have like a med kit. On me, if I was like, setting it now, I do have that as like, preventing a quick bleed out of ... That's it. I can't, I can set it. I am a doctor.

Avery/GM: You are a doctor. This is true. So Zahn, you do suffer one point of system strain.

Zach/Zahn: Yes. Cause I only have, yeah, I don't think I have anything that will allow me, cause all of the descriptions for the psionics. It doesn't say healing a bone. I know that I can, I can grow back limbs in something more advanced. So I think this might be a GM question.

Avery/GM: Let's see if you, okay. So if you were to heal a broken bone, that would involve growing the bones together.

Jenine/Marty: I see.

Avery/GM: Like, you know. So, I think it would be fair to say that until you have the power to regrow limbs, you would not have the power to heal a broken limb.

Jenine/Marty: Cool.

Avery/GM: With your psychic powers.

Jenine/Marty: But I do have the knowledge, as a doctor, to set it in the field. So that's what I will do. This poor guy... As, as I'm setting it, I just kind of, I'm gonna do like a check in, just not even like say anything to Polaris, just like give the biggest puppy dog eyes ever in like a, are you okay look to Polaris.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris is like He has his hands up still, like, staring down at Zahn, and his hands are shaking. And he's not moving, he's just staring. Is there a trash can nearby?

Avery/GM: Yeah, there's probably one, like, inside the armory.

Bee/Polaris: Okay. Polaris just, like

Avery/GM: Which you're right outside of.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, Polaris, like, quickly goes over to it, pulls off his helmet, and throws up.

Jenine/Marty: Oh yeah...

Avery/GM: All the adrenaline.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, cause he doesn't like hurting his arm. And like, he, his brain is stuck between threat detected and that's a friend and he, he feels very bad about what he just did.

Jenine/Marty: I will finish up setting this bone, then I'm going to go and check in on Polaris. Elevate the head a little bit of Zahn. Just be like, you're good. We're going to let you, we're just going to let you chill here for a couple seconds.

Zach/Zahn: Zahn is still unconscious, right?

Avery/GM: Yeah, Zahn's still out.

Jenine/Marty: Oh no.

Avery/GM: Unless anyone has some smelling salts on them or something.

Jenine/Marty: I'm so small. I can only handle so many things.

Caden/Bruce: Bruce probably does, but Bruce probably also doesn't think about it.

So he just probably just like lifts Zahn into his arms just holds him.

Bee/Polaris: Uh, I mean, Marty has a copious amount of, uh, of drugs.

Jenine/Marty: I do. This is, oh my God. Sorry. .

Bee/Polaris: Whatever reason my brain thought that was gonna sound You pouring out all your drugs. .

Yeah, same!

Jenine/Marty: No, you're right. And it's the dice that I own.

Um, I was, I was putting it off of my notebook so I could see which drugs I have. Because I do this every time.

Zach/Zahn: You have like at least one of every kind that's in the book, right? Because that's what Winston used to have.

Jenine/Marty: I have squeal.

Avery/GM: That's a truth serum.

Jenine/Marty: I have lift. I have a mind altering. I have brainwave and I have mind altering.

Zach/Zahn: Oh no,

Chris/Ollie: I mean lift

Jenine/Marty: I'll go pass the lift over. Oh my god, I have five of these? Jesus.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, you have so many drugs.

Jenine/Marty: I promise I can heal, guys. I know what I'm doing.

Chris/Ollie: Oh no, that's, yeah, I'm sure we have a lift. That's exactly what it's made for.

Avery/GM: Gro does have biosionics and could, could do major organ restoration, um, if asked.

Bee/Polaris: Uh, Polaris is busy throwing up, so. Yeah, I

Jenine/Marty: gotta go check on Polaris. Um, we're gonna, Bruce, can you make sure, just check in?

Zach/Zahn: Zahn is currently draped over Bruce's shoulder.

Bee/Polaris: I was thinking like bridal style.

Avery/GM: That's right.

Caden/Bruce: Yeah, I was imagining bridal style too.

Zach/Zahn: Oh okay.

Bee/Polaris: Just sling him over like a sack of potatoes.

Zach/Zahn: See, that's what I pictured.

Caden/Bruce: Looks like, I imagine like you cut through the blanket, but you're still like burrito style since you got knocked out. So he's just like, Holding you like a swaddled cat.

Jenine/Marty: Yeah, keep him like that. Keep his head elevated. I'm gonna go check on, uh, Polaris. Okay, um, hey, hey, hey Polaris. Hi.

Bee/Polaris: He's just staring into the trash can.

Jenine/Marty: Do you want me to, do you want to, do you want a hug? Do you want to, you want to talk, talk about it?

Bee/Polaris: He's just staring into the trash can.

Jenine/Marty: Marty walks over, sits down next to Polaris's leg, and just kinda like, hugs it. Hi, hi Polaris! Um, I hope this is okay. You can say no to the physical touch if you don't want it. Just checking in. You don't have to be stressed about what just happened. You went on instinct, and that's okay!

Bee/Polaris: Polaris takes like a deep breath in, and then like breathes it out, and then says, Is he okay?

Jenine/Marty: Yes. I, I, he's healed. He just, uh, is gonna need to rest that arm for a little bit. Little bit of a strain going on right now, so he's a little bit rested. He's gonna rest a little bit as we're going through everything. Are you, are you okay?

Bee/Polaris: We're on an enemy ship. Rhea, we need to He's just like, his helmet is off! And he's just like staring off into the middle distance and like, you can tell he's like, his brain is cycling through like things to do. Like going down the checklist of important things to do, but also adding that Zahn is now unconscious and injured.

Chris/Ollie: Yeah. And there's also the whole, like billions of people are currently on their way to, to screaming death right below us.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah. Polaris is overwhelmed with nothing else.

Zach/Zahn: Yeah, man. Why can't we ever just be whelmed?

Bee/Polaris: Literally. When are we ever gonna get whelmed? Rhea is probably sitting up in the control room like, eating popcorn, watching this go down.

Jenine/Marty: Watching us all, yeah. Valid. Okay, so Polaris, I know you're overwhelmed, we're all a little overwhelmed right now. Taking a couple deep breaths. Slowing down and talking through what our next steps are gonna be.

Bee/Polaris: Can we wake him up?

Jenine/Marty: Yes, yes.

Bee/Polaris: He's gonna be so mad.

Jenine/Marty: No, no, no. Well

Bee/Polaris: Yeah! Polaris just like sighs and like, puts his helmet down and just like, rubs his hands like, over his face. Like, oh my god.

Chris/Ollie: Just a little hypothetical. Could you maybe erase his memory of, uh, getting broken?

Jenine/Marty: I could.

Bee/Polaris: Oh, don't do that because his arm will still be broken.

Zach/Zahn: Yeah, then I'll be like, why is my arm broken?

Jenine/Marty: No, no, no, no.

Chris/Ollie: Cause you were, you were so angry running down the hallway.

Jenine/Marty: Marty wouldn't.

Chris/Ollie: You got burritoed, you fell, you hit your arm. It was bad.

Jenine/Marty: Marty couldn't. I do forget that I could, wow. I forget some things that Marty could do is scary.

Bee/Polaris: Yeah, that's fucked up. Wait, can we make Rhea forget we're here? Like, enemies?

Avery/GM: If you think you could beat Rhea's mental save, go for it.

Bee/Polaris: I don't think that.

Caden/Bruce: We can do anything we put our minds to, team.

Bee/Polaris: And by that, uh, you mean three psionic minds against one psionic basically God,

Caden/Bruce: correct.

Jenine/Marty: Anyway, Polaris, i, I will wake him up. I just wanted to give him like maybe a couple more minutes resting before he wakes up to some pressure on his arm. I

Bee/Polaris: mean, it'll, it'll heal soon enough, right? It should be fine?

Jenine/Marty: I mean, it's gonna take a couple of, uh, weeks for it to heal.

Bee/Polaris: Weeks?

Jenine/Marty: Well, I mean, for someone his age, yes.

Bee/Polaris: Polaris looks so confused and so concerned and, like, horrified, and then his face just goes back to neutral.

Jenine/Marty: I mean, for someone his body type and his, uh, his age, it's gonna take a little bit longer than what, uh, of our

Bee/Polaris: Do you, do you guys not, uh,

Jenine/Marty: Hmm, do we not what?

Bee/Polaris: He just shakes his head and puts his helmet back on.

Jenine/Marty: But, Polaris, wait, I know your medical stuff.

Bee/Polaris: But you don't know, you don't know his special boy stuff because that was a whole separate file.

Jenine/Marty: Oh, I didn't get that file?

Bee/Polaris: No, only Polaris did.

Avery/GM: You didn't get, yeah, you didn't get But you have been key like you've been it's been alluded to because Polaris did get shot and then like two hours later came by and was like, hey, look at this.

It's all healed.

Chris/Ollie: I'm sure marty would have noticed by now

Bee/Polaris: when he first got shot Yeah, when he first got shot in the on the cassiopeia, I think he literally was just playing around like standing there He was sticking his finger in the bullet hole unconcerned, and then it healed, like, not too far, like, not too long after.

Jenine/Marty: So, Polaris

Bee/Polaris: yes.

Jenine/Marty: We don't really generate.

Regenerate any, um, injuries as fast as you do.

Bee/Polaris: I I've gathered as much. I, yeah, I, I was a science experiment, so that does make sense. That, normal, UGH. He's just like, now that he realizes it's gonna take a while for Zahn to actually heal, he feels worse.

Jenine/Marty: Well on the...

Bee/Polaris: Let's wake him up...

Jenine/Marty: Plus side, if you think about it, this just gives him another project to work on.

Bee/Polaris: No, let's, let's just wake him up.

Jenine/Marty: Okay. Yeah. We'll go wake him up.

Avery/GM: Thank you for listening to our show. If you've enjoyed our first season so far, be sure to leave a review on iTunes, Spotify, or whichever podcast It really helps us out. Intro and outro produced by Dustin Carpenter. Background music includes Starship Bridge and Kaltorian Craft from TabletopAudio. com as well as Q Space Adventure 1 by Q Up Arts.

We'll be back on July 15th with our next episode. See you out there, beyond the furthest stars.