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Episode 210 - The Reasons for the Collapse

The destruction that rampaged across the Eastern Mediterranean region during the end of the Bronze age around the 12th Century BCE was a world-shattering event with implications reaching into our modern day. But what were the underlying causes that led to the invasions and internal rebellions that caused the Bronze Age to come crashing down? Were the causes related to the environment? Economics? Disease? Famine? A combination of all of these? In this Episode, we will finally visit the theories that the historians in the field are actively debating as to the cause of the Bronze Age Collapse.


Sit Back… Relax… And Let Me Tell you a story…


While Rome Burns

**Episode Transcript**

While Rome Burns is part of the 1up Podcast Network. Find more of our work at


Cover Art by Igor Nunes. Find more of his work at or contact him on twitter for commissions at

That’s W-H-Y-C-C-A-N.


Background music provided by Monplaisir Music under a public domain dedication. Find more of their work at and follow them on twitter Link is in the description of the podcast. 


We’ll be back in 2 weeks with our next episode.

Thank you so much for listening.