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Ancient China

Episode 107: The Battle of Yongqiu 756 CE

In 8th century CE China, The An Lushan rebellion rose up in opposition to the wildly successful Tang dynasty. As the rebellion advanced from small rebellion to overwhelming opposing state, it seemed as if the Tang dynasty and the accompanying golden age, was over. But for some loyal soldiers of the Tang dynasty, losing hope and faith in their Emperor was an unacceptable position. Our story today is a story of brilliant tactics, loyalty, and just a bit of brashness. Our story is about The Battle of Yongqiu in 756 CE.

Sit Back… relax… And let me tell you a story… While Rome Burns.

While Rome Burns is part of the 1upPodcast Network. Find more content, including show notes, transcripts, and additional podcasts by going to

Cover Art by Igor Nunes. Contact him for commissions on twitter @Whyccan and find more of his work by visiting

Background music provided by under an attribution non-commercial, no derivatives 4.0 International license from creative commons. Check them out by going to

**Episode Transcript**

Episode 102: The Battle of Red Cliffs

The Battle of Chi Bi was one of the most decisive battles during the fall of the Han dynasty and the lead up to the Three Kingdoms era and is one of history's greatest examples of the underdog snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. On one side, an invading army ranging between 200,000 and 800,000 soldiers on the other side a coalition of 50,000 troops. Come with me as we explore the circumstances around the Battle of Red Cliffs. Sit back, relax, and let me tell you a story... While Rome Burns.


---Transcript of the episode---


While Rome Burns is part of the 1up Podcast Network. Find more content by going to

Cover Art by Igor Nunes. You can contact him for commissions on twitter @Whyccan. Find more of his art by going to

Background Music “Beyond the Warriors” by GuiFrog under an Attribution 3.0 International License from Creative Commons.

Additional Background and outro music provided by Monplaisir under a Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

Find Monplaisir on twitter @MonplaisirMusic or at Find GuiFrog at

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