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Ancient Rome

Episode 113: The Rise and Fall of Agrippina the Younger

We started this season with a look at the Great Fire of Rome and put forward some of the theories regarding whether or not Nero was indeed to blame for the Great Fire. We also covered the death of Nero and the end of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty. We shall now end season 1 of While Rome Burns with a portrait of the woman who gave birth to Nero. We will take a look at her unlikely rise to power in the imperial court and her tragically sad downfall at the hands of her own son. Today’s story is about Julia Agrippina, also known as Agrippina the Younger.

Sit Back, Relax, and Let me tell you a story… While Rome Burns.

**Episode Transcript**

This concludes Season 1 of While Rome Burns. We will return in Summer of 2021 with 13 new episodes in Season 2.

While Rome Burns is part of the 1up Podcast Network. Find more of our shows, including the award-nominated Actual Play Podcast, Are We Dead Yet? At

Cover art by Igor Nunes. Find more of his work by going to or contact him on twitter for commissions by going to that’s W-H-Y-C-C-A-N.

Background music provided by Monplaisir under a public domain dedication. Find more of their work at and follow them on twitter at That’s M-O-N-P-L-A-I-S-I-R.


Thank you so much for checking out this show! We hope to bring you back for season 2! Have a safe and happy new year.

Episode 112: The Vespers of 88 BCE

The ancient world was full of acts of Viciousness, barbarism, and cruelty. During war time, cities were burned, pillaged, plundered and their people were either butchered or sold into slavery. Human cruelty, it seems, is one thing that all societies have shared throughout time. One such instance of cruelty occurred in 88 BCE in the kingdoms surrounding the southern coast of the Black Sea. A tale of betrayal, murder, and unnecessary war awaits us. Today’s story is about The Vespers of 88 BCE.

Sit Back, Relax, and Let me Tell you a Story… While Rome Burns.

While Rome Burns is part of the 1up Podcast Network. Find more of our content, including transcripts, cast info, and more podcasts by going to


Cover Art by Igor Nunes. Find more of his work by going to and contact him for commissions on twitter @Whyccan. That’s W-H-Y-C-C-A-N.


Background music provided by Monplaisir under a public domain dedication from creative commons. Find them on twitter @Monplaisirmusic or at


Our Final Episode of Season 1 will release in 2 weeks! Thank you so much for listening.

Episode 110: The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius 79 CE

Few natural disasters are as terrifying as the eruption of a Volcano. Molten lava, pyroclastic flows, ash in the air, fires, and noxious fumes are all dangers that can impact civilizations all around the cataclysm, even miles away, towns and cities can be impacted. In 79 CE, the cities that occupied the areas around Mount Vesuvius had no idea what dangers were lurking deep in the Earth or what fate had in store for the people living in those cities.

Today’s story is about the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE and how a once cataclysmic eruption led to one of the greatest preservations of Ancient Roman civilization the world has ever known.

Sit Back, Relax, and Let me Tell you a Story… While Rome Burns.

While Rome Burns is part of the 1up Podcast Network. Find more of our content, including transcripts, cast info, and more podcasts by going to

Cover Art by Igor Nunes. Find more of his work by going to and contact him for commissions on twitter @Whyccan. That’s W-H-Y-C-C-A-N.

Background music provided by Monplaisir under a public domain dedication from creative commons. Find them on twitter @Monplaisirmusic or at

The next Episode will release in 2 weeks. Thank you so much for listening.

**Episode Transcript**

Episode 109: The Assassination of Julius Caesar


It’s a story we are all familiar with. A story of loyalty, betrayal, idealism, and cynicism. The date of the event is forever burned into the collective consciousness. Plays have been written about it, movies and T.V. shows have reenacted the events, and historians have been fascinated by the factors that led to the historic event that took place on the Ides of March in 44 B.C.E.

Today’s story is about the assassination of Julius Caesar and the impact his death would have on the flailing Roman Republic.

Sit Back, Relax, and Let me Tell you a Story… While Rome Burns.

While Rome Burns is part of the 1up Podcast Network. Find more of our content, including transcripts, cast info, and more podcasts by going to

Cover Art by Igor Nunes. Find more of his work by going to and contact him for commissions on twitter @Whyccan. That’s W-H-Y-C-C-A-N.

Background music provided by Monplaisir under a public domain dedication from creative commons. Find them on twitter @Monplaisirmusic or at

Episode 10 will release in 1 week. Thank you so much for listening.

**Episode Transcript**

Episode 104: The Siege of Jerusalem 70 CE

A rebellion stirs in the heart of Judea. The son of the New Roman Emperor seeks to show his worth. Outside the walls of Jerusalem, thousands of Legionaries post up for a final assault on the holy city. A rebellion and the very survival and way of life of the Jewish people hangs in the balance. There are lessons to be learned here. Sit Back, relax, and let me tell you a story… While Rome Burns.

**Episode Transcript**

While Rome burns is part of the 1up Podcast Network. Find more of our content by going to

Cover Art by Igor Nunes. You can contact him for commissions on twitter @Whyccan. Find more of his art by going to

Background music provided by Monplaisir under a Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. Find Them on twitter @MonplaisirMusic or at

Additional Background music provided by under an attribution, non-commercial, no derivatives 4.0 International License from Creative Commons. Find more ambient music, sound effects and more by going to