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Fiddle while rome burns

Episode 101: The Great Fire of Rome

A quiet summer night in Rome. The year is AD 64. Windy weather and Dry conditions. The perfect setting for the arsonists that move through the city, setting alight The Eternal City. The identity of those arsonists has remained lost to the sands of time. But in this first installment of While Rome Burns, perhaps we will understand just how disastrous these anonymous arsonists acts truly were. Sit back, relax, and let me tell you a story, While Rome Burns.

While Rome Burns is part of the 1up Podcast Network. Find more content by going to

Cover Art by Igor Nunes. You can contact him for commissions on twitter @Whyccan. Find more of his art by going to

Background music provided by Monplaisir under a Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. Find Them on twitter @MonplaisirMusic or at

Outro music created by Josh Fisher

**Episode 1 Transcript**