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Episode 106: The Plague of Athens 430 BCE

We live in uncertain times. The fear of the Pandemic has gripped the world, it has taken friends, family, coworkers, and strangers alike. It has caused businesses to fail, schools to be shuttered and our whole way of life has been turned on its head. It feels like the world is ending. But its not ending, its transforming and changing before our very eyes, as pandemics have changed societies and civilizations throughout history. One such pandemic was the Plague of Athens in 430 BCE. This plague, by the time it burned itself out 5 years later, left a lasting imprint on the people of Athens: Religious observations, the importance of honor, and even the way the dead were buried were drastically changed by the Pandemic. To the Athenians living at that time, it probably felt like their world was ending. But just like today, the world wasn’t ending. It was simply changing. Sit Back… Relax… And let me tell you a story… While Rome Burns.

**Episode Transcript**

Thank you for listening to our show. While Rome Burns is part of the 1up Podcast Network. Find more of our shows, including the award-nominated dnd podcast: Are We Dead Yet? By going to Cover Art by Igor Nunes. Find more of his work on twitter @Whyccan that’s W-H-Y-C-C-A-N or go to Background music provided by Monplaisir under a Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. Find Them on twitter @MonplaisirMusic or at

Episode 105: The Death of Alexander The Great

The world has known few conquerors like Alexander the Great. In just a few short years after rising to power, he had laid claim to much of the known world, known to him and his people that is. Alexander marched his armies across Greece, Persia, and even into India. But for all of the glorious and bloody military triumphs Alexander had led, he was still, like so many other leaders, defeated by the mortality of his own body.


Sit Back... Relax... And let me tell you a story... While Rome Burns.

Thank you for listening to our show. While Rome Burns is part of the 1up Podcast Network. Find more of our shows, including the Award Nominated DnD Podcast Are We Dead Yet? by going to

Cover Art by Igor Nunes. You can contact him for commissions on twitter @Whyccan. Find more of his art by going to


Background music provided by Monplaisir under a Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. Find Them on twitter @MonplaisirMusic or at

**Episode Transcript**

Episode 104: The Siege of Jerusalem 70 CE

A rebellion stirs in the heart of Judea. The son of the New Roman Emperor seeks to show his worth. Outside the walls of Jerusalem, thousands of Legionaries post up for a final assault on the holy city. A rebellion and the very survival and way of life of the Jewish people hangs in the balance. There are lessons to be learned here. Sit Back, relax, and let me tell you a story… While Rome Burns.

**Episode Transcript**

While Rome burns is part of the 1up Podcast Network. Find more of our content by going to

Cover Art by Igor Nunes. You can contact him for commissions on twitter @Whyccan. Find more of his art by going to

Background music provided by Monplaisir under a Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. Find Them on twitter @MonplaisirMusic or at

Additional Background music provided by under an attribution, non-commercial, no derivatives 4.0 International License from Creative Commons. Find more ambient music, sound effects and more by going to

Episode 103: The Great Antioch Earthquake of 526 CE

We as humans enjoy the security of solid earth beneath us. We step out of our door each day certain that the ground beneath our feet will be there. But mother nature loves to remind us that while humans may think of themselves as masters of the natural world, we are merely another species at the mercy of this planet's tectonic plates. But do not worry. The ground is still stable here: So sit back, relax, and let me tell you a story... While Rome Burns.

Today's background music is “Before the Storm” by under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial non-derivatives 4.0 International License. Find more of their work at

Cover Art by Igor Nunes. You can contact him for commissions on twitter @Whyccan. Find more of his art by going to Thank you for listening to While Rome Burns. Our next episode releases August 30th, 2020. While

** Show Transcript **

Episode 102: The Battle of Red Cliffs

The Battle of Chi Bi was one of the most decisive battles during the fall of the Han dynasty and the lead up to the Three Kingdoms era and is one of history's greatest examples of the underdog snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. On one side, an invading army ranging between 200,000 and 800,000 soldiers on the other side a coalition of 50,000 troops. Come with me as we explore the circumstances around the Battle of Red Cliffs. Sit back, relax, and let me tell you a story... While Rome Burns.


---Transcript of the episode---


While Rome Burns is part of the 1up Podcast Network. Find more content by going to

Cover Art by Igor Nunes. You can contact him for commissions on twitter @Whyccan. Find more of his art by going to

Background Music “Beyond the Warriors” by GuiFrog under an Attribution 3.0 International License from Creative Commons.

Additional Background and outro music provided by Monplaisir under a Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

Find Monplaisir on twitter @MonplaisirMusic or at Find GuiFrog at

Thank you so much for listening.

Episode 101: The Great Fire of Rome

A quiet summer night in Rome. The year is AD 64. Windy weather and Dry conditions. The perfect setting for the arsonists that move through the city, setting alight The Eternal City. The identity of those arsonists has remained lost to the sands of time. But in this first installment of While Rome Burns, perhaps we will understand just how disastrous these anonymous arsonists acts truly were. Sit back, relax, and let me tell you a story, While Rome Burns.

While Rome Burns is part of the 1up Podcast Network. Find more content by going to

Cover Art by Igor Nunes. You can contact him for commissions on twitter @Whyccan. Find more of his art by going to

Background music provided by Monplaisir under a Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. Find Them on twitter @MonplaisirMusic or at

Outro music created by Josh Fisher

**Episode 1 Transcript**

TRAILER: While Rome Burns Season 1

July 19th, 2020.

1,956 years since the destruction of Rome by the Great Fire of 64 AD a podcast has emerged to tell you the stories from the ancient world of bad luck, inept leadership, and horrible disasters. Sit back, relax and let me tell you a story: While Rome Burns.

While Rome Burns is part of the 1up Podcast Network. Find more content by going to

Cover Art by Igor Nunes. You can contact him for commissions on twitter @Whyccan. Find more of his art by going to

Intro and Outro music composed by Josh Fisher

Thank you so much for listening.

**Trailer Transcript**